Milford Traditional Acupuncture LLC


Traditional individualized acupuncture treatment, for the treatment of many common health needs, including pain, allergies, headaches, mental and emotional struggles, trauma, women's health issues, infertility, prenatal care, weight loss goals, gastrointestinal disorders, symptoms of chronic disease. Acupuncture is also utilized in preventative care, strengthening the immune system, and overal... Read More

Traditional individualized acupuncture treatment, for the treatment of many common health needs, including pain, allergies, headaches, mental and emotional struggles, trauma, women's health issues, infertility, prenatal care, weight loss goals, gastrointestinal disorders, symptoms of chronic disease. Acupuncture is also utilized in preventative care, strengthening the immune system, and overall health and well being.

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Located at: 536 Main St, Milford
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